LBmaster Mods
DayZ Party System with Map, Compass, GPS and Chat.
Highly configurable and many features.
Sick of tickets from players being scammed at safezones?
Simple and safe P2P Trader between players to prevent scames
Players can exchange any item they want safely instead of having to drop it to the ground
Setup Raid Alert Towers in the Base
Notify players when a base is raided via Discord Webhooks
Configure skins on your server
Manage who can use which skin
Place reskin workbenches at traders or spawn them to be placed in the players base
A Garage System to park in vehicles
Can be placed a Traders or in player Bases
Loot is saved outside the normal persistence to save performance
Limit how many items players can place.
Limit players, groups or territories
compatible with the most common Basebuilding mods
Graphical Killfeed to display killfeed messages ingame
Display Messages in Chat and Discord
Counts various types of kills
Ingame Leaderboard to display your Top Players.
Synced Data from CF Cloud.
Edit which Stats you want to show just by editing a config.
CF Cloud Account with a payed subscription required !
Repair Workbench
Ammo refill and storage workbench
Force players to read and accept rules on first join
Many options to configure questions
Block access to certain actions before a player passed a quiz / test
reward players with items on success
DayZ Banking mod with all basic features.
Mobile Admin ATM, Robbable ATMs, Credit Cards, Paychecks and more.
4 Different ATM Models.
Simple Spawn Select with intuitive UI
Help Players get the Spawn they want
Bed Respawn with Sleeping Bags
All Items, which I have created for DayZ.
Repack is allowed.
You are not allowed to sell any files in this Pack. Use this pack as dependency instead
Automatically Kick AFK Players after inactive for x minutes.
Custom warning messages.
Keep safezones free of AFK Players.
Simple Earplugs to reduce ingame sound.
Repacking in own Serverpack allowed.
Mark compatible items in players inventory.
Help finding the correct attachment for modded weapons or inexperienced Players.
The Core package all LBmaster Mods require to be loaded with basic functionality
Automatically included in all mod downloads
TheBuster Mods
Fill basic needs like pee, poo and body hygienic
A mod to revive dead players.
Makes player able to save there gears at death.
A car dealer with premium and showroom functions
create and use Jewels with Benefits
21 new Materials
Smelter (static and non static)
Grinder (static and non static)
Anvil (static and non static)
A Second Hand Dealer for Players
Use house as home. Buy, sell, extend and lock your house.
Share your house and house inventory with your friends.
Protect your house with an alarm system and respawn in your house.
Give a daily reward to your players.
Helps to monetize your server
Binds players
A Mod to carry dead players.