Utility Workbenches

Utility Workbenches DayZ Mod

Utility Workbenches 30.00€

License Type: One time Payment for Unlimited


Repair System

  • Repair Workbench to repair items to a certain health level, which can be configured
  • configure if ruined items can be repaired
  • set max health of items, which will be indicated by a red bar when opening the repair menu
  • Setup Repair Workbench at Traders or spawn them in the world or sell them at the Trader for the players base
  • setup cost per repaired item, hp or percent repaired.
  • setup cost multiplier for certain items to make repairing things like weapons more expensive or other items free to repair

    Ammo Workbench

  • 70 Slots of Storage
  • Only accepts Ammo for storage
  • Quick Load and Empty Magazines with simple UI
  • Sounds for quickload and unload
  • Show available ammo types to load and the quantity in a UI (e.g. normal and tracer ammo) to let the players decide what to load into the mag
