Utility Workbenches 30.00€
License Type: One time Payment for Unlimited
Repair System
Repair Workbench to repair items to a certain health level, which can be configured
configure if ruined items can be repaired
set max health of items, which will be indicated by a red bar when opening the repair menu
Setup Repair Workbench at Traders or spawn them in the world or sell them at the Trader for the players base
setup cost per repaired item, hp or percent repaired.
setup cost multiplier for certain items to make repairing things like weapons more expensive or other items free to repair
Ammo Workbench
70 Slots of Storage
Only accepts Ammo for storage
Quick Load and Empty Magazines with simple UI
Sounds for quickload and unload
Show available ammo types to load and the quantity in a UI (e.g. normal and tracer ammo) to let the players decide what to load into the mag