Advanced Groups 30.00€
License Type: 2 Week Testversion for 1 Server
Upgrade for 120€ later
Advanced Groups 150.00€
License Type: One time Payment for 1 Server
Additional DayZ Server Instances are 50€ each
Group System
Highly Optimized and constantly updated to be compatible with other Mods and for the best Server Performance possible
Clannames & Clantag
Chat System including Group and Global chat with group tags and custom colors
Invite Players
Invite Players for one Serverperiod
Hierarchy Clansystem with different Ranks
Subgroups | Firegroups
Leveling of Groups | Subgroups
Playerlist & Squadlist
Compass at the top of the screen
GPS / Minimap
Groupmembers on Map
Groupmembers in 3D Ingame
Groupmembers Logout postion on map
Groupmembers Logout postion in 3D Ingame
Playerlist with all Group Members, their health and distance
Cleanup of inactive Groups (time can be changed in the Server config)
A lot of settings you can adjust to exactly match your servers needs. Check the Config Guide to see all the config options you can change
Webhooks for all kinds of events
Powerful Adminmenu
Overview of all Groups on your Server
Inspect Each Group
See all Group Markers
Change Group name and Tag
Level up / down any group
See all Group Members (name and Steamid + easy copy function), promote, demote, kick them or set them as leader
Delete groups with one click
Join any group you want (e.g. for support)
Highly customizable Permission System for each Admin
Add Static Server Markers Ingame easily
Add Temporary Server Markers Ingame easily
Map & Markers
Map by LBmaster
Group Markers
Private Markers
Wide range of different and RGB colorised icons
Various combination of disable/enable Functions of Markers
High customizable settings (Distance | 3D | 2D)
Cycle through different 3D visibility presets by pressing K
Drag Markers to change their positions on the map
Edit Markers to Change name, Color and icon by double leftclicking the Marker or via the Marker Tab
Basic Information Panel
6x configurable Buttons + Subtext + Hyperlink
Servertime (Location)
Cursor Coordinates
Compass & Tactical Ping
Tactical Ping with automatic clearing & 1x limitation
Shows Player direction
Shows Tactical Ping direction
Custom icon for every player to make it easier to identify who created the ping
Client Settings Page
Change color of Player Markers
Change color Compass
Change color of Playerlist
Change Chat Position
Change Playerlist Position
Toggle GPS, Compass, Streamer Mode, Playerlist etc.
Change Position of Teammates 3D Marker (Head, Stomach, Feet)
Change Player 3D Marker (toggle Icon, Name and Distance)
Change Ping Marker Icon size
Groupchat for Groups
Option for Default Channel when Client joins
Auto Censor Bad words from a bad words list in the config (disabled by default)
Shows Clantags in Chat while writing
Highlights Ingame Admin & Support messages
Configure different Groups for Chat (e.g Admin, Support, VIP....)
Configure different colors for Servermessages and chat
Admins can mute single players for a specified time or even the whole chat
Groups can have custom colored Clan Tags (can be set in the Admin Panel)
GPS / Minimap
Small Minimap centered on the player
Player Marker shows direction of the player
Option to display Coordinates, Direction (0° - 360°) and current Speed
Configure if an Item (like Compass) is required to have the GPS open
Configure if the should be a GPS present in vehicles like Cars
Force GPS to only work in vehicle to help players navigate
Change size of the Minimap in Client Settings
Minimap shows all Markers, which are visible on the 2D Map
Toggle GPS by pressing B
Clan Clothing
System which automatically assigns a player his Clanclothes
Automatically changes the texture if a external player wears the Clanclothes
Works with all items, that can be retextured and can be picked up by a player
DLC - Flag Pole Extension
Extension for the Vanilla Flagpole (no new item is added)
Change the Radius player can build (Cylinder shaped radius)
Restrict access only for Group Members
Players with lower ranks cannot build in the area
Hostile Players cannot build (if configured)
Add exceptions e.g. for C4
Force Players to build a Flagpole before being able to build basebuilding objects
Option to enable instant build of the Flagpole
Option to automatically add a Flag and raise the Flag when Flagpole built
Automatically add a new Marker on the Map when Flagpole placed
Allow admins to bypass any build restrictions
Compatible with BBP (disable BBP builtin territory System !)
DLC - Panels (WIP)
DLC - Panels
Playertab with Playerinformations
1x Information Tabs to show Rules & more