All Killfeed messages will be logged to the LBmaster Log
ingame graphical killfeed
enable / disable if kill distance should be displayed
show group Tags supported for Advanced Groups and Expansion Groups
options to anonymize killer and / or victim name and replace the name with \"a player\"
options to delay messages
option to change how long ingame messages will be displayed
Display all of the following types of death:
Fists, Melee, Ranged Weapon
Traps, Grenades
Starvation, bleeding, drowning, falling, suicide
Zombies, animals
All different types of death can be enabled / disabled
Store last playernames to also display it when player is offline like players setup a trap
detect teamkills
option to toggle if bots should be counted
log killstreaks
enable / disable indicator how loud the weapon of the killer was (silenced / low / medium / high). This counts silencer attachments and integrated silencers like the VSS
change victim and killer color
weapon magazines displayed properly
weapons are always rotated facing towards the victim. Some weapons are not properly rotated by default
use group tag color to overwrite the killer and victim colors if set
Discord Webhooks
Change if kill message should be displayed in chat and / or with the graphical killfeed feature
fade in and out animation
only show kill message in certain radius around killer and victim (similar to direct chat)